# Introduction

# Getting Started

Ansible-nwd is easy to install:

Fill in information in the Ansible role


You can find the full documentation here : Documentation

Then apply Ansible-nwd:

  • If you installed Ansible-nwd with pip :
ansible-nwd -m 'path/to/your/role'


cd 'path/to/your/role' && ansible-nwd
  • If you use docker:
docker run -v $(pwd):/data laurentvasseur/ansible-nwd

# Overview - What is Ansible-nwd ?

Ansible Never Write the Doc provides you an automatic way to create Ansible roles documentation.

It parses all Ansible roles folders and gathers information to write them into a Readme.md for you.

Ansible-nwd is also compatible with molecule , it will parse your different scenarios and write them into your documentation file.